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Royal Wet Wipes are the perfect addition to any cleaning arsenal. These wipes are designed to be gentle on hands but tough on dirt and grime. Each wipe is pre-moistened with a powerful cleaning solution that will leave your surfaces looking spotless. These wipes are perfect for use on countertops, tables, and other surfaces in your home, office, or car. With their convenient size and easy-to-use packaging, Royal Wet Wipes are a must-have for anyone who wants to keep their space clean and tidy.

Royal Wet Wipes

Stok kodu: 100107
2,09 лв.Fiyat
  • Customers can return the product within 14 days of purchase, provided that the product has not been used. After returning the product to the designated return locations, customers will receive a refund.

    Please feel free to make any necessary adjustments to fit your specific business and return process.

  • After your product is shipped, we will provide you with the order number and estimated delivery times. The order preparation time is 1-3 business days, and the estimated arrival time varies depending on your location. Our shipping pricing is determined based on the weight of your order.

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